Sunday 14 August 2011

Huge List of Website's Hacked by ZCompany Hacking Crew

This message is not for Indian government but common Indian people who dont know what their government hides. For those of your politicians who boast of Kashmir being an integral part of India read your own law books:

" Indian Penal Code(Act No. 45 of
 1860) CHAPTER-II SEC 18: “India”.- “India” means the territory of India excluding the State of Jammu and Kashmir."

The 15th of August is special for you because you got freedom on this day yet you should think that do you really deserve to celebrate this freedom if you do not stop the wrong doings in Kashmir. Everyday people are not only being humiliated but killed as well. Fake encounters and rape is the order of the day in Kashmir. Kashmiris have protested time and again against Indian occupation and many people were killed mostly teenagers. When media tried to show it they were banned ( eg PRESS TV ), people were arrested for even protesting on Facebook and still India claims to be the largest democracy in the world. We ZHC will reveal what Your Govt try to conceal, if you really want to be proud of your nation rise for what is right. Support Kashmiris in their dream to achieve Freedom which is everyone's basic human right.

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