Tuesday 16 August 2011

A New Privacy and Data Security Group Edelman

Edelman has launched a new unit to provide specialized communications support on matters related to privacy and information security. The group is launched at a time of mounting concern over data breaches, cyber-attacks and privacy issues among consumers, advocacy groups, government and business.
Edelman’s new data security and privacy group will help clients navigate the increasingly complex environment surrounding the collection, use and protection of corporate and personal data.
The group is co-led by two of Edelman’s global practice chairs, Pete Pedersen (technology) and Ben Boyd (corporate communications), and combines knowledge of the privacy and security landscape with expertise in corporate reputation, crisis communications, public affairs, social media and consumer marketing. Key geographic hubs will include Edelman’s Chicago, Washington, DC, New York, Silicon Valley, Seattle, Brussels, London and Beijing offices.
“Privacy and information security have moved from the back office to the boardroom,” said Pedersen. “These topics are brand and reputation drivers now, not just legal and IT considerations.”

A key focus of the group initially is providing communications counsel and support to help companies prevent, prepare for, and respond to data security incidents and breaches. Other specialized services include:
• Corporate privacy and security positioning and impact assessment
• Policy and issue landscape analysis, stakeholder mapping and engagement
• Competitive benchmarking
• Communications counsel for introduction of new products and services
• Measurement of evolving consumer behaviors, attitudes and expectations using primary research tools like 8095 Live, Edelman’s proprietary millennial insights program
• Employee education and awareness programs
• Thought leadership and stakeholder engagement platforms
• Incident and data breach communications planning and preparation
• Crisis communications engagement

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