Saturday 20 August 2011

Zcompany Hacking Crew Support's Anna Hazare
Pakistani Hacking Group Zcompany Hacking Crew Support the Anna Hazare . The ZHC tweeted that they support Anna Hazare .

A Message From ZHC

78000+ Indian blog websites hacked By ZHC to Support Kashmir Freedom Struggle and ANNA HAZARE End corruption Campaign...

All blogs were defaced but couldn't mirror all... some mirrors can be seen on website ..

i.e :

The list of all the websites that were hacked:

Each and every blog of (All indian blogs) around 78000+ hacked by ZCOMPANY HACKING CREW to raise the awareness about Kashmir freedom struggle .. ANNA HAZARE End corruption Campaign... this is indeed the biggest ever hactivism ever done for such cause ...

Our message: "If you want to tell the untold stories, if you want to give voice to the voiceless, you've got to find a language and this is our language, this is how we speak to the whole world where we support people who have guts to stand for TRUTH, but alas they are oppressed and jailed by the corrupt governments."

We at ZHC have always tried to stand for truth and justice . We always have supported people. We are voices of voiceless.More the governments try to suppress the sane voices more firm we will be in our resolve to fight the corrupt governments and oppressors. This is the new world and let the oppressors know that we will never accept their corrupt decisions.

We appreciate what the civil society is doing in India and expect them to raise their voices in the same manner for Kashmir as well, for justice can not be selective.Those kids that were killed by during the protests did not deserve to die. Wake up before its too late and before Kashmir's generation NEXT chooses to fight for justice in a different way.

We have been closely looking at the developments taking place in India. Be it massacre of 120 innocent kids in kashmir in 2010 or be it suppressing the voice of people like Anna Hazare and Arundhati Roy.The only crime of Anna Hazare is that he is patrotic and have the guts to stand against his own government .We are voices of people who want to stand for TRUTH and JUSTICE.

Free KASHMIR .. Freedom is our goal.. End the Occupation. . . .

Stand with ANNA HAZARE .. for Justice and Truth.. End the Corruption. . . .

The dead cannot plead for justice. It is the duty of the living to do so for them..


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